Saturday, January 21, 2006

New Oracle Q&A site

I saw many posts about new Eddie Awad’s site Oracle Questions and Answers. Some of them criticize it some of them recognized it as a new Oracle Q&A site.
It was interesting to read what Tom Kyte and Howard Rogers wrote about it. One simple solution presented on Oracle Q&A produced big and strong discussion about possibility of one table to be read-only.
Howard Rogers did research about this possibility and as a result he got that one Oracle table could not be read-only in real meaning of the phrase “read-only”. So, his standing point was that this site does not provide real and true information.

From my perspective, this is good and useful site. You can find very useful information there. I agree that some of the answers are short, but sometimes it is better to get the idea, so you can extend it and adapt it to your needs.

Recently, I found very good solution how to generate sequence numbers between two numbers. For this purpose I was always using one table filled with sequential numbers from x to y. I was creating new rows whenever I needed it. But, the solution presented at Oracle Q & A, is so simple and practical.

select (lvl + &v_from - 1) myseq
from (
select *
from (
select level lvl
from dual
connect by level <= (&v_to - &v_from) + 1
order by myseq

This is very good place where you can find useful tips.

Mihajlo Tekic


Anonymous said...

Its really informative. Good job!

Director Associate DBA

Andrea said...

Absolutely this site is a great help to all the Oracle users and who wanted to know and learn new things about Oracle. I have shared this site with all my friends too who do have keen interest in learning Oracle. Also thanks for the simple solution to the problem to generate sequence numbers.
sap upgrade transactions

Andrea said...

Absolutely this site is a great help to all the Oracle users and who wanted to know and learn new things about Oracle. I have shared this site with all my friends too who do have keen interest in learning Oracle. Also thanks for the simple solution to the problem to generate sequence numbers.
sap upgrade transactions